2020 Message from CSHD President
As we say goodbye to 2020, an unforgettable, unusual and for many, a difficult year, I think we can agree that being flexible was what got us through it. We’ve learned to adjust and carefully navigate, mask up and social distance, all while keeping our businesses afloat.
Our loyal and treasured customers have helped to keep our small businesses alive and for this we are grateful.
Sincere appreciation to the CSHD members who volunteer their time behind the scenes year after year.
We were fortunate to have some of our usual events, but others were put on hold. There was beautiful weather for a successful Coastal Christmas Market and a lively and fun evening of shopping for Girls Night Out.
Looking ahead, there are many new and exciting plans for events in the coming year.
We look forward to reintroducing our monthly Craft Drink Walk and expanding the 1st Saturday Art & Artisan Stroll.
Be sure to Like Canal Street Business on Facebook and sign up for our CSHD newsletter to keep up to date on all things happening in the Historic District.
May it be a prosperous and peaceful year ahead in our charming Canal Street Historic District and our lovely town of New Smyrna Beach.
Liz Jones, President CSHD
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